The End of the Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Era

The End of the Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Era

A new trademark suggests that the Pokémon Scarlet & Violet era is coming to a close soon, as Pokémon has just trademarked Pokémon Card Game MEGA as the next generation of the TCG. 

They announced it on the official website in an article titled "Pokémon Mega Evolution Series Begins" which we speculated may have just been referring to the next expansion packs, however we were wrong. This announcement "unveiled the beginning of the upcoming Pokémon Trading Card Game: Mega Evolution Series" (read the full article from Pokémon here).

This new generation of the trading card game will likely release at the same time as Pokémon Legends Z-A.

It is not typical for Pokémon to transition the TCG to a non-mainline game, however this is not the first time it has been done, and the timing makes sense. Most Pokémon generations have about 3 years of TCG expansions before the next era is announced, and Scarlet & Violet is just around that 3 year mark with the first cards having been released in the end of 2022. 

This is an exciting time as it means the next few sets will probably be the last few releases, and boy did they save the best for last. We are going out with a bang with team Rocket on the way, and Mega Pokémon coming shortly after!


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